Are you successful? Do you want to be successful?

Dear Friend,

Over the last 2 years I have asked myself these two questions ever so often which led me to dig deeper into the principle of achieving success.

Success is subjective. What I consider success may not be to you or to other people but one thing is for sure, all of us in this planet have an ultimate goal – TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL. For many, success is having a big, fat bank account. Others may say they are successful because of their happy family or loving relationship. Still someone would say his success is measured by a fit and healthy body. Bottom line, success is to live the life of your dreams!

"Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask.
Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it."
~ Jules Renard

Lucky enough SUCCESS is not an impossible DREAM. Everybody in this planet has the ability to be successful and all it takes is for you to D.R.E.A.M. big.

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

I don’t claim to be an expert but following these principles have moved me towards success.  I believe that everyone deserve a happy successful life and I would like to be an instrument for this.  I truly hope that by sharing a bit of what I learned, the world will be a better place filled with happy successful people. 

D.iscipline R.oadmap E.xpect A.ction M.entor

D – for Discipline

Discipline is doing something even I you don’t want to do it. Yes, discipline is waking up at 5am to meditate and visualize your goals. It is eating a balanced meal – low sugar, low fat, low salt - to become healthy; it is putting on your running shoes to jog towards your ideal shape; it is also stopping yourself from spending on WANTS and not NEEDS.

Have you attended every personal training seminar and read hundreds of self help books only to have a couple of weeks (or maybe even days) effect and all of a sudden you are back to square one? It is simply because you lack self discipline. You lack self-control and allow yourself to do only the things you want to do. Makes sense?

To become successful, you need to be disciplined and committed towards the achievement of your goal. When you say yes to success, you need to have discipline to stick to this decision no matter what it takes.
R – for Roadmap

A Roadmap is a plan. No successful individual goes toward a goal without a plan. What do you want to achieve, how are you going to achieve it, where do you start? These are just a few questions you need to ask yourself.

To realize success, you need to be clear with what you want to happen and for this to materialize you need to write down your goals. Write all your dreams in a notebook – not on your computer, not on a piece of paper – if you are truly serious about becoming successful, you need to HAVE A NOTEBOOK. Write what you want to get, do or have in the next 5… 10 … years. Write down at least 100 things to achieve.

From your 100 goals, classify them into short-term, middle-term and long-term to achieve. You must identify what is necessary to do - yearly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. This will be your blue print – your guide towards success.

Why write your plan in a notebook? Because you will want to read this everyday – you want to be reminded – you want to visualize your dreams happening – this is how you tell your brain your reality – this is how you attract good things and helpful people – this is how you make your dreams become reality.


E – for Expect

My spiritual mentor said “to expect is to have faith” - expect good things and it will happen.

Let me share with you one principle I learned from a seminar long time ago. During the talk the speaker showed us the powerful meaning of the word A.S.K. He said: and you shall receive
S.eek and you shall find
K.nock and it shall be opened to you.

This truth has long been given to us but somehow we fail to recognize it due to fear. We are afraid of rejection; therefore we are accustomed not to ask. Think about this: When you ask there is always a 50/50 chance your wish will be granted. Yes, you may receive a NO answer but there is always a chance (even 1%) that your request will be given. If you decide not to ASK you take away even the smallest possibility of receiving what you ask for.


Make it easier for God to bless you. EXPECT GOOD THINGS FROM HIM. If you need love, believe it’s there. If you need wisdom, believe it’s there. If you need money, believe it’s there.

When you ask, expect a positive response. Believe in your heart your request is granted. Imagine, anticipate, create a vision in your mind, what you think about you attract – that’s the LAW of ATTRACTION

"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" - Napoleon Hill

Here is another powerful truth. God wants us to be successful. Like any father, Our Father in heaven wants us to be happy, enjoy life and live the life of our dreams. God wants to speak with us everyday, to guide us, comfort and show us the way. He wants us to ASK but He would be delighted if we also LISTEN. Do you want to hear Our Father speak?


A – for Action

Action is very important to complete your goals. You may have Discipline, a clear Roadmap strong Expectation but don’t ACT, you will never achieve all your goals. Action means moving. Action means taking the next step forward towards your goal.

Would you be able to reach the finish line if you didn’t run?

ACT; make a "To Do List", this will give you direction. It is very important to direct your activities and schedule it daily. You can put "A", "B", "C", "D" in front of your activities in To-Do List.

"A" is the most important thing that effect to your life and only you must do.
"B" is important thing to do.
"C" is thing to do. You can use people to do these activities. For example, pay the phone, go to the bank, etc.
"D" is thing that you can or cannot to do. For example, read newspaper, gossip, listen music, etc.
You must focus on "A" first and try to finish it off. After that you can do "B". That's all.

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit.” -Conrad Hilton

Bottom line - successes small and large all come because we decided to do something. We achieve success because we made an action.

M – for Mentor

Mentors May Be Your Missing Link To Your Success. – Bo Sanchez

It definitely was my missing link, could be yours too. 

For many years I’ve got so many plans. I wanted to have a business, I wanted to be wealthy, I wanted to write a book, I wanted to be a great photographer, I wanted to maintain a trim and fit body, etc etc… There were so many things I wanted to do but I am lost and have no clue where to begin until I realized that I needed a teacher.

Yes! You and I need to have a teacher in one or two areas of life to achieve the success we wanted. We need an instrument to teach, inspire, and show the way. 

History shows many examples of mentoring that produced the most successful men…
• Business people — Freddie Laker mentored Richard Branson
• Politicians — Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great
• Actors — Laurence Olivier mentored Anthony Hopkins. Martin Landau mentored Jack Nicholson. Mel Gibson mentored Heath Ledger
• Musicians — Johann Christian Bach mentored Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Dr. Dre mentors Eminem. Denniz Pop mentored Max Martin. David Foster mentored Josh Groban, Frank Zappa mentored Steve Vai
• Athletes — Eddy Merckx (five-time Tour de France winner) mentored Lance Armstrong (seven-time Tour de France winner). Bobby Charlton mentored David Beckham
• Movies — Obi-wan Kenobi mentored Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke Skywalker
Even Bill Gates has a mentor. His name is Warren Buffett; one of the greatest living stock market investors and, like Bill Gates, a multi-billionaire.

In the Holy Bible, we read about mentoring as Moses is counseled and encouraged by his father-in-law, Jethro. Moses reaches out to mentor two leaders in Israel, Joshua and Caleb. In other books we see Naomi mentoring Ruth. Watch a young prophet in training, Elisha, running to keep up with Elijah, to learn.

If you seek excellence in a particular field or area, find someone you trust who already excels in it, take down notes, try out their method, pick up their brains.

Ask that person to be your mentor. A mentor could be a favorite uncle, a teacher, a coach, a peer-buddy, even a “chance” friend. A mentor need not be physical too, mentors may be in the form of books - read all successful peoples books - or in today’s modern world, a virtual mentor. You may enroll in their program, read their writings, watch their videos and imagine yourself doing the same.

Jesus is my greatest Mentor, but He also uses others to coach me in various areas of my life. When a student is ready, the teacher will appear. I am where I am because of my mentors, and because of this I know I should not keep my mentors to myself. So I’d like to share some of my mentors with you.

 Once upon a time, I didn’t know anything about money. But when I learned how money worked, I opened myself to God’s financial blessings. Learn the same spiritual and financial principles that changed my financial life!

When you’re Truly Rich, you’re not only wealthy with your money. You’re wealthy in all other areas of your life: Love, Family, Spirituality…



You must believe in yourself to do all activities to achieve your goals.  

We are all a work in progress.
Cheers to our Road to Success because your success is our success!